Wednesday, May 23, 2012

La Isla Bonita

Since I have arrived I have been traveling the island, seeing all the sites and unfortunately catching a cold.

Francisco and I went to Dos Ventanas which is a cave with 2 openings that look out over the ocean.  Que impresionante!

 The land here is very open, not many tourist traps like you would expect.  There are 100s of horses roaming around and leaving their fecal material behind.  Below was an amazing sight of 20 horses or so being rangled up by a young girl on a motorcycle.  BAMF.

Beautiful flowers I found on the side of the road
Yesterday I took myself on an excursion to the South side of the island.  Since I am committed to not spending a ton of money here (because everything is double in price), I have been hitchhiking around.  It is very safe on the island, there are only 5,000 inhabitants, not much bigger than Conway.

This is going to be my next windows screensaver

A man named Carlo who spoke Spanish and Maori picked me up and took me to Anakena, which was an amazing beach oasis with Maoi standing right near.  He picked me up and turned off his car engine and proceeded to tell me a long story of getting jumped in LA.  I thought perhaps that my luck had run out and he was telling me this story for a reason of malice.  Quite the opposite!  He told me he likes to pick people up out of the goodness of his heart, that he wants to prove the universe wrong, PEOPLE ARE GOOD, he said.  I really enjoyed this guy, we had an existentialist talk about cyclical time etc.  I told him that I wrote my thesis on ideas of the micro and macrocosm, he said he thought we could be good friends.

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