Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Clase Primero

On Saturday I left Chillan.  I decided to take the train this time just to mix things up, I thought it would be nice to see the countryside without stopping every 5 kilometers.  Traveling by train is a nice way to see the countryside IF you have a view out a window, which I did not.  Everything was fine because I was seated next to Maria Paz, an 18 year old high schooler who let me borrow her teen mag.  We chatted about Justin Beiber and Twilight.  We are both for team Jacob...Duh.
Maria Paz.  I gotta stop taking pictures of people when they are sleeping...
I arrived to Santiago around 5, took the metro to meet my next couch surfing friend, Paula.  Paula met me at the metro station and we went back to her apartment to have ónces´, which is a late tea/snack time.  Paula was really great, she reminded me of my cousin Zoe.  We talked about politics and issues in Chile.  Later, we went out to get a drink.
The next day I left to find the Airport bus (unbelievably $3), with a bit of trouble I found it and arrived just in time for my flight to ISLA DE PASCUA!!!!   That´s Easter Island to all of you...

Originally when I planned this trip I thought flying an additional 5 hours just to visit a tiny island was too much, but then I thought, ¨when in my life will I ever be so close and so able!?¨

Beautiful snow capped Andes out the window
Somehow, my luck keeps getting better on this trip.  As I waited at the gate to board onto the flight, they called my name on the speaker.  I went up to the desk expecting bad news, but found quite the opposite: 
That´s right yállllll, FIRST CLASS upgrade!  This is photo of champaigne and a salted nut mix.  I sure took advantage of the free wine list, let me tell you!

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