Monday, May 7, 2012

Domo arigato o gracias

I arrived in Chillan and called Nico, the man who runs the farm that I have been working on.  He told me to get a cab to the local bus station where I could get a rural bus.  I did just that.  After another bus ride filled with Chilean teens and much confusion of when to get off the bus I arrived at the farm.  Nico Showed me around and then took me back to his house which is back in the town of Chillan, I hung out with him and his 3 beautiful daughters Violeta, Rafaela and Matilda and then later with his wife Maria Gracia and their business partner Carmen.  They are all so great!  I slept at Nico and Gracia's house and the next day I helped them at their cafe where I did a lot of dish washing and table clearing.  There was a lot of hurry because there was a flea market, people were talking extra fast and I didn't feel so great about my Spanish skills.

Anyway, after Saturday I moved into my geodesic dome on the farm. 
It's totally off the hook.  Full kitchen and bathroom and a view of the Andes through the back.  Also wifi.
Every view from every angle is nice here.  The cows moo in a chorus when I walk's actually a bit frightening.

1 comment:

  1. If you learn to Mooo just right - you can talk with them they talk back - I can speak cow and duck. Of course the dialect might be different in S.America
